The Most Common AC Maintenance Mistakes

Owning a home takes a lot of work. Regular maintenance is necessary if you want your house’s systems to function properly for as long as possible. Your air conditioning unit is no exception. You should ensure that you are taking care of your HVAC systems. The last thing you need is for something to go wrong because you need to check your filter sooner. You can do several different things to maintain your air conditioning unit. Many common mistakes involve neglecting to check on something or ignoring a sign that your unit might need to be serviced. Take a look at these six most common air conditioning maintenance mistakes so you can avoid them with your unit in the future, courtesy of PlumbSmart Plumbing Heating and Air.
Ignoring Out-of-the-Ordinary Noises
If you hear noises that seem strange or out of the ordinary, they should not be ignored. It can be easy to go about your day and promise to pay attention to something later. However, with the business and the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, you will likely forget all about it the second you are not focused on the noise. A strange noise can indicate damage that needs to be addressed. You do not want to ignore a strange noise and find out later that it is something serious. It could lead to irreparable damage, causing you to need a whole unit replacement instead of a repair. If you hear strange noises, call a professional to check it out as soon as possible.
Forgetting to Clean Your Air Vents Regularly
Cleaning your air vents regularly is vital to the functionality of your air conditioning unit. Debris and dirt can get stuck in the air vents around your house. If you don’t clean them often enough, your air conditioner will send that dust through the air in your home. It can eventually lead to enough build-up to block the airflow into any room. If your vent is not blowing air like it used to, you probably need to clean it. Set a schedule for yourself to do this once a month or so. This will help to keep your air conditioning unit healthy.
Not Scheduling Regular Inspections
Regular inspections might not seem like a priority, especially if there is nothing wrong with your air conditioning unit. However, preventative care is one of the most important things you can do to keep your air conditioning systems in good working condition. Make sure you are regularly scheduling a technician to inspect your systems. Having a technician inspect your unit will inform you of any parts that look like they might be worn out or need to be replaced soon. Getting ahead of problems like this will help you avoid unexpected emergencies.
Not Checking Your Filters Often
Air filters are the least expensive part of your air conditioning system to replace, but ignoring them could be detrimental to your unit. It would be best if you replaced your air filters every few months and cleaned them thoroughly every few weeks. This might seem excessive and time-consuming, but air filters are responsible for filtering out all the debris in your air. They can get full and clogged, which will eventually mean they will not work at all. A clogged air filter will prevent unrestricted airflow into your home. Set a reminder to clean your air filters every few weeks and replace them every few months.
Waiting Too Long for Repairs
One of the most common mistakes homeowners make with their air conditioning units is waiting to have repairs addressed. A damaged part does not always mean that your unit is not functioning. You can still be getting cool air and need air conditioning repair. It can be easy to put repairs off until you have time, especially if you are busy daily. You don’t want to wait to get repairs on your unit. Putting off maintenance can lead to damage that is not repairable. Repairing various parts is far less expensive than replacing your entire unit. If you wait too long to repair whatever needs to be fixed in your unit, you could cost yourself thousands of dollars for a whole unit replacement.
Working Your Unit Too Much
Overworking your unit can be harmful. Setting your thermostat as low as possible in the hottest months can be tempting. You want to be comfortable in your home when it is too hot to be outside. However, setting your home’s temperature too low can stress your air conditioning unit. This will lead to unnecessary wear and tear, which will cause you to need repairs or replacements much sooner than you should. You can use other methods to help cool your home. Lower your blinds throughout the day to block the sun, or get fans to help circulate the air in your home. Avoid setting your thermostat too low, especially when it is the most tempting.
Final Thoughts
You should do everything you can to avoid these common AC maintenance mistakes. Neglecting the needs of your unit can be detrimental. You do not want to wait too long to service parts, neglect cleaning your vents, ignore strange noises, or overwork your unit. All of these things can lead to damage that could have been avoided. You can prolong the life of your air conditioning unit by taking proper care of it. Take preventative measures and call a technician with PlumbSmart Plumbing Heating and Cooling today so we can help you get your regular inspections started!
How We Can Help
For a limited time, we are offering our 1-Year HVAC Maintenance Agreement – or – 1-year Plumbing Maintenance Agreement at no charge. This is a $300 value and includes two semi-annual inspections of your home’s HVAC or Plumbing systems, and it’s absolutely free. You’ll also get 10% off repairs and priority service. It’s our way of introducing ourselves and letting you know we are here at your service, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
For more details on our 1- and 2-year maintenance plans, contact us or visit us online!