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Why You Should Get Your AC Tuned Up Before It Gets Hot

The weather is already starting to get hot here in Mesa, and it’s only going to get hotter as the summer draws on. Therefore, you should think about getting your air conditioner tuned up as soon as possible so you can guarantee it will be in good condition when you need it most throughout the dog days of summer.

Here are a few of the benefits associated with calling HVAC contractors in Mesa, AZ for AC service before the temperature gets scorching:

  • Save money on energy:
    Arizona summers are, to put it mildly, a little hot. If your air conditioning system isn’t running as efficiently as it could be, you’ll end up paying quite a bit more in cooling costs this summer than you would if you had it tuned up before the season began. So the initial cost of the AC service can save you some money throughout the rest of the season and year.
  • Greater comfort this summer:
    What’s the point of having an air conditioning unit that doesn’t keep you cool and comfortable when it gets hot? Arizona summers are challenging for any air conditioning unit, so it needs to be in optimal condition if it’s going to give you the cool air you need this summer. Our team will ensure your unit is up to the task.
  • Lower risk of costly repairs:
    By getting air conditioner service before the hottest season of the year, there’s less of a chance the unit will break down at the worst possible time during the summer months. The last thing you want is to be without air conditioning when it’s 110 degrees outside. In the event you do end up needing some repairs performed to your air conditioning system during the summer, they will probably be much less serious and expensive than if you hadn’t had air conditioning service. This is because most of the potential problems that would be most costly would be addressed during your tune-up appointment, so you’ll be able to mitigate the risk of these part failures and prevent any potential repairs from getting too expensive.
  • Greater dependability for years to come:
    Getting your air conditioner tuned up before the summer season doesn’t just provide you with immediate benefits—it also helps your system stay reliable long into the future. With how much you’ve invested into the air conditioner, your goal should be to try to extend its lifespan as long as you can, and regular maintenance is one of the best ways of doing that.
  • Better air quality in your home:
    Your air conditioner doesn’t get as much of a workout during the winter as it does during the summer, which means it’s certainly possible you’ve had a buildup of dust and debris inside the unit. Your tune-up will include a cleaning of the system, which will improve the air quality in your home.

For more information about our AC service, contact the HVAC contractors in Mesa, AZ at PlumbSmart Plumbing Heating and Air today. Mention this blog post, and you can get our $99 special for your tune-up!