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Cool A/C Tips for Summer

Summer always comes too soon in the valley, and the 100s will be here before you know it. Once they are here you want your air conditioner to work at its optimal level, so the time to get ready is now. There are some things you can do to make sure your A/C unit is ready.

  • Clean or replace your filter or filters.

The filters for your AC are on the intake side of your system. Keeping these cleaned or replaced on a monthly basis will keep the rest of your system cleaner as well as the air you breath.

  • Check your registers for moisture or a build-up of dust.

The registers are the delivery point of your AC system. If you have visible dust, you will want to wipe the area with a slightly damp cloth. If you have moisture visible there, you can have mold trying to grow in your duct work.

  • Check the outside unit for dirt and debris that would interfere with air flow.

Clear any plant growth, grass clippings, old leaves, or anything else that is blocking the outside portion of your AC unit. Make sure the power to the unit is off before trying to clean anything inside of the unit such as around the fan. Don’t forget to turn the power back on afterwards.

  • Replace old, worn, or missing insulation on the coolant lines.

The foam insulation sleeves that protect the coolant lines get worn or go missing over time. The insulation sleeve is easy to cut with a utility knife, and the sleeves are available at any hardware store. This is a simple fix and will prevent loss of energy and help your power bill.

These are some things you can do to prepare your AC for the summer ahead, but There is so much more to your AC unit. For only $59, PlumbSmart can get your AC ready and check for any problems. We will make certain your unit is running at its optimal efficiency. This will keep your power bills low, find any problems before the repairs are a major expense, and make your home the cool comfortable place you want as the weather gets hot.

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